
Advocating for Children, Transforming Lives Team

We are committed to promoting education, defending children’s rights, and fostering sustainable change for the youth of Uganda.

Empowering Children in Amudat District

Meet the dedicated individuals driving our mission forward.

Namusabi Olive

Founder & CEO

Olive is an advocate and has a qualification in Bachelors of law, Bachelors of Education and a post graduate in community development.  Olive was supported by American missionaries of God Parent Association Connecticut USA Weldmere to access education since she came from a humble background and her parents did not have resources to support her education, She is the founder and the director of Hope for karamoja foundation. Olive comes from a rural community of Amudat where most of child abuse continues to be prevalent. The communities of Amudat continue to cherish and treat  most of the human rights violation as normal among these include Female genital mutilation, Early and forced marriages between ages of 12-14 years, child labor, denial of girl child education whereas the age school boys are appreciated for looking after domestic animals. Working for Hope for karamoja children foundation has enabled Olive reach out to many less fortunate girls to access education through lobby and advocacy.

Bishop. Rev. Michael Chorey

Patron of HKCF

With passion for he has a doctorate PhD Degree in the field of rural development; Bishop Chorey also has a master’s degree in theology and development bachelor’s degree in theology. He is a fellow of the Anglican leadership institute in South Carolina 2018 and the current Bishop of Southern Karamoja. He has supported tirelessly the initiative undertaken by Hope For Karamoja children foundation advocating for the less privilege children to access education in Karamoja and the cross border of west Pokot county..

Rev. Albert Chesoli

Vice Chairperson of HKF

He pastors one of the rural churches in Amudat district, he has a bachelor’s degree in theology with other experiences in guidance and counseling  he preaches the gospel of Christ and together with other board members he too sensitizes and encourages communities to send their children to schools. He is a member of the human rights committee of Amudat district.

Monica Kiyonga Tiri

Chairperson of HKCF

she has a qualification of degree in teacher education and she has attained other relevant courses in guidance and counseling, community development, child protection and advocacy. Monica is one of the women who benefited under the missionary sponsorship in Karamoja in early 1970’s she has been instrumental in advocating and lobbying for education support to many vulnerable children with her efforts, many communities have been sensitized about the importance of education although many families are unable to support their school going children to be in schools due to inadequate resources. None the less with the support from other board members, advocating for education especially for a girl child has always been at the center heart of Monica.

Sr.Aceng Esther

Chairperson of HKF

She is a District Assistant Health officer with a qualification of Masters in public health, Esther also has a degree in Nursing and midwifery, she supports and advocates the rights of girls and boys to be in school. She has a handful number of Orphans and vulnerable children under her care.

Chelimo Veronica

Chairperson of HKF

She has a bachelor’s degree in teacher education. Veronica provides psychosocial support to most of our beneficiaries and children in schools she is passionate about education. ‘’She says education is the key to success’’.

Penina Kalepon

Chairperson of HKF

Penina is among the board members of Hkfc, she is has a diploma in nursing. Penina loves education and she says education is the only transformative tool for societal growth and development.

Championing Children’s Rights

Join us in transforming lives and creating brighter futures today.

Call me by WhatsApp +256 784 888 735 - Ms. Namusabi Oliver Founder & Manager - Looking forward for your support!